Environmental and planning law
Environmental and planning law
Current environmental and planning law challenges, together with increasingly strict regulation in this area, underline the need for continuous adaptation to new legal developments and a stronger focus on global environmental concerns.
Environmental and planning law affairs are becoming more and more complex as a result of overlapping EU, federal and often also state law provisions.

We provide environmental law consultancy and representation services – also in related areas of law such as environmental information law – to project developers, planning authorities and regulatory bodies. Our clients appreciate competent representation in litigation proceedings at all courts of law, including the European Court of Justice.
Our legal consultancy services draw on our many years of valuable experience and are adapted to current requirements and challenges. We are also keeping the increasing significance of associations’ rights to initiate legal action in mind, particularly since those associations require comprehensive advice to ensure legally watertight planning and approval procedures. In recent years the dynamics have changed and it is crucial to take these changes into account when advising clients.
- Planning permission procedures for transport infrastructure and transport facility construction projects (harbours, roads, railways, airports and waterways)
- Mining and other raw material extraction
- Water and nature conservation law
- Energy industry, particularly renewable energies, but also gas and coal-fired power plants
- Immission control law approval processes, especially for industrial installations
- Urban land-use planning and planning permission procedures for projects with an environmental impact
- Environmental information rights
- Facilities with hazardous operations
- Track and pipeline construction
- Infrastructure permits
The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides 2025
Germany Environmental Law
This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of environment laws and regulations applicable in Germany.
Dr. Friedrich Gebert, Luise Schüling, Clara Schmidt, Hannah Düwel

If you have any questions about environmental and planning law, please write to us.